In Their Words.

We Clicked Immediately

“From the very first conversation with Yvette, we clicked immediately.  She has a very calm demeanor which makes it easy for me to open up and feel like I am in a “judgement-free zone.”  As a coach, she does an amazing job at listening and making me feel like I am heard and validated, especially when she recalls things I had mentioned in previous conversations.  I also value her resources and recommendations regarding various health and wellness interests.  

I looked forward to my sessions with Yvette as she is a very talented and caring coach!”

— Rupali, Student

A Beacon of Light

“Yvette can gently guide me and us out of whatever darkness we perceive to be safe but actually does not suit us and then leads us to what can heal. In conjunction with that, she is helping me to do the same for others moving forward, which in turn loops back and heals me again on a deeper level.

I hope to develop this inter-healing relationship with my newest dearest friend and colleague, Yvette, for a long time into the future.”

— Dr. Jen, Naturopathic Doctor

It Just Keeps Getting Better

A Master Diver shares his feedback after attending Yvette’s Yoga Nidra Classes, “The only other time that I have experienced that depth of peace was when I was night diving. It keeps getting better by the class.”

— Gene, Retired Professional

Archie, a high level executive in a billion dollar industry, speaks to the positive impact that Yvette's coaching has had on him and how he now better handles his job stress.


Become a Better Version of Yourself

“Yvette helped me to see my career with a different perspective, I started thinking differently about myself & my future. In the beginning, as a sales person I was pretty average however once I started working with Yvette as my Coach, I started getting out of my head and began replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts.  

I ended my season being a #1 sales revenue earner in my company!  She helped me be a better me.”

— Amber, Sales Professional

Amber speaks to Yvette's coaching and the transformation she noticed in her personal life which then translated into professional success.

Yvette Has An Amazing Gift

“Thank you so much for the wonderful meditation class. What a difference just one session made on me personally - both physically and emotionally. I will definitely be returning. You have such an amazing effect on people and have such a gift to share - we are so lucky to have you teach here at Wellness.”

- Christina T, NCH Wellness Center

In a World of Chaos, Yvette Is an Oasis

“What makes Yvette Sechrist McGlasson so incredibly unique as a coach is her ability to glean exactly what your personal struggles and issues are without making one feel "right" or "wrong" . While having a basic conversation, she's already come up with different ways to assist you while at the same time, putting you completely at ease.

Whatever the issue, you walk away feeling better, calmer and much more confident about whatever you're up against in the world. Yvette is a true oasis in a world of chaos!”

— Lauren, Color Specialist, Brush of Love

I Wanted To Shine

“I want to thank Yvette for her guidance and mentoring, truly helping me become the woman I am today.  She polished me from a rough diamond into one that literally sparkles in the dark.  

I will be forever grateful.” 

— Violeta, Public Speaker