• The Yoga of Relationships

    This is a practical guide for living yourself and others by YOGI AMRIT DESAI. He writes, “Life itself is an experience of relationships. You must start your journey from where you are, not from where you want to be. Relationships are a progressive unfolding of the Spirit.”

    Order here: The Yoga of Relationships

  • The Untethered Soul

    The journey beyond yourself by Spiritual Teacher Michael (Mickey) Singer who explores the question of who we are and arrives at the conclusion that our identity is to be found in our consciousness, the fact of our ability to observe ourselves and the world around us.

    Order here: The Untethered Soul

  • The Alchemist

    Written by internationally acclaimed Paulo Coelho, “what starts as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a discovery of the treasure found within. Lush, evocative, and deeply humane, the story is an eternal testament to the transforming power of our dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts.”

    Order here: The Alchemist

  • Chicken Soup For The Soul: BE YOU

    You will find Yvette Sechrist McGlasson here as a co-author in 101 Stories of Affirmation, Determination and Female Empowerment. She is featured in story 19, page 65 FINDING YOUR VOICE.

    Read about women who: Spent time alone to rediscover themselves; Followed their passions and dreams in business, the arts, and sports; Mentored the girls and women coming up behind them; Prepared themselves to find love with the right mate; Juggled and came to grips with not really “having it all”; Spoke out against sexual harassment and discrimination; Made a new habit of stepping outside their comfort zones; Found their resilience and strength after death and divorce; Learned to build self-care and “me time” into their routines; Broke new ground in traditionally male careers.

    Order here: BE YOU

  • The Book of Woman

    "The woman should search into her own soul for her own potential and develop it, and she will have a beautiful future." Osho

    In The Book of Women, Osho explores the role of women in our society. Up until now, he says, both religious institutions and politics have remained male-dominated – not only male-dominated but male-chauvinistic. This has created so many of the crises that we see in the world now, brought about by excesses of ambition, competitiveness, and greed. In these pages, Osho challenges readers to reclaim and assert the feminine qualities of love, joy, and celebration to bring a reunion of the intellect and the heart, that is so desperately needed now.

    Order here: The Book of Women

  • YOGA NIDRA The Art of Transformational Sleep

    Inspired by the teachings of Yogi Amrit Desai, KAMINI DESAI, PHD reveals the master key to initiating shifts in conscious sleep states where change happens outside of doing. This comprehensive guidebook explores the core of Yogic philosophy and modern applications of Yoga Nidra backed by scientific research, affirming what Yogis have known for thousands of years.

    Order here: YOGA NIDRA