Meet Fire With Love
If you are in perpetual conflict with every person, situation, & condition you face in the process of getting what you want, you have constantly practiced violations against not only the objects you face but practiced violations against your own Self. - Yogi Amrit Desai
How often do we blame other people for putting us into a state of reaction? Quick to point fingers at others but sometimes excruciatingly slow in looking at our own fingers pointing back at ourselves. Think about it. We are quick to place the blame on an external source (index finger) however when we are pointing our fingers at someone or something else, look at the fingers curled back (middle, ring and pinky finger) and pointing at the "me" or the "I" that is caught up in the situation!
Ultimately the "other" is not the source of our pain, it's our reactive patterns which are a result of our past experiences and past programming and how we think things should be or how people should behave. Once again, expectations. However FALSE expectations.
If your days are caught up in continuous conflict, take some time to excuse yourself from the conflict and spend some time with inner reflection. I can pretty much guarantee that you will figure out what pushes your buttons, and I don't mean the surface ... I mean truly going to the root. And remember, the root is not the other person, place or thing.
When you are not emotionally engaged with someone or something, you respond. You witness it and walk away from it, detached from how the rest of the story unfolds. You can still love someone and not be notionally engaged in the current situation because you know, in your heart, that ultimately you are not the cause of their angst. There was something that happened in their past that has them judging the current situation and you in it. One thing I can guarantee is when you meet fire with love, the volatility of the emotional situation begins to dissolve. When you meet fire with fire, all you do is fuel to it and then further reinforce your own past programming. The energy goes down and out, not up and out.
It is up to us to begin to break our reactive patterns. They are self-destructive and keep us separated from everyone and most importantly, separated from our Divine Nature and the love and joy that is our birth right.